Well its been a while since i posted. But we did start our first IVF cycle i started the lupron on sept 26th after taking the birth control pill for two weeks. I started the gonal f on Oct 1st i was on 300cc. Went in for my for my first bloodwork and ultrasound and everything looked ok my E2 was at 125. But after it went downhill from there on my second bloodwork my E2 levels were not rising so they put me on 600cc of goanl f at a $1000 a day i knew we wouldn't be able to do that much longer. Alas I did not respond to the gonal f and again my cycle was CANCELLED!!!!!
I am so frustrated, angry, upset and sad. I have yet to complete a whole cycle. At least if I got to complete one and got a BFN then it would feel like there was an end. This way it feels like i start but there no finish.
So were moving on IVF cycle #2 here's hoping that we get to the end. I find out Oct 19th when IVF #2 will be. Watch for it.