Friday, May 28, 2010

Followup with RE

We had our followup appointment with Dr. H yesterday. It went just as i had expected. He mentioned how my last cycle was good and he's upset that it didnt happen for us.
Our options are:

1) Try another cycle with him, it would be a low stim cycle. But we would only get maybe one egg, two if we were really lucky. Our chances are 5% to 10%.

2) Adption were still weighing our options with this.

3) Donor Eggs he recommends this option as our best chance we have a 50% chance with this. He gave me information on donor eggs in the states and here. He recommends Argentina as well, he is sending my information to the clinic there for them to review.

4) Try to accept that it might never happen for us. If it does ever happen naturally for us even Dr. H said it would be a mircle.

We already knew these would be our options and had decide to take a break for now. For how long its hard to say. I need to stop worrying about medications and needles. My husband lost his job two months ago so he needs to find something else so we can start saving some money. Depending on what the Argentina clinic says I would love to try this option.

I am not willing to accept option 4, somehow, some way I will be a mom. As a friend says There will always be a next step...


Today is my birthday. I turn 40, never would I have guessed this is were i would be at this point in my life. Nothing has gone as planned. Never have I shed so many tears.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you had a sucky follow-up, though glad to hear you might be open to DE or adoption. I've been following the blog of a woman who just went to Czech Republic for a successful DE cycle. Cost less than a cycle with Dr H.
    Hope you find clarity in your thoughs and are able to choose which path to take.
