So we have 8 follicles (YEAAAAA) 5 are at a good size between 1.9 & 1.7. The other 3 are still a little bit smaller around 1.1. But the plan is to do one more night of stims hoping that those three follicles grow. The nurse mentioned maybe a possible egg retrival for Saturday. You don't know how happy I was to hear those words. After 8 "cancelled" IUI and one "cancelled" IVF, we might make it thru this time. It's been small steps but I'm happy with that. Someone mentioned to me that I have a lot of patience, and I think i am very patient, this process has taught me that I am.
So now we on the road to hopefully a BFP. The rollercoaster is climbing up high, the ER will be the bump and then it'll be down to BFP.
Stay tuned for the bump.
Good luck tomorrow, and hoping for a great retrieval on Sat!