We went back to the clinic on Apr. 10 for day 8 my E2 was at 762, follicle on the right still at 1.4, the two on the left are at 1.1 and 1.3, they scared me by mentioning ths "C" word. But we avoided it and were still stimming. I asked the nurse about converting to IUI if we had too other than cancelling, but everything seems to be on track.
Back to the clinic Apr 11 for day 9 E2 was at 1167, two follicles on the right 1.4,1.3,two on the left 1.1 and 1.3, more stimming.
Back to the clinic for Day 10 E2 was at 1602, we have 5 follicles(yeaaaa) they are still only measuring at between 1.4 and 1.1, more stimming.
Looks like it'll be daily visits to the clinic. Its been a slow steady climb but condsidering we've gotten this far, i'm grateful for whatever I can get.
Stay tuned for update for day 11.
I had more suddenly pop into contention - hope the same happens for you. A good E2 rise has to be a posiive sign.