Thursday, November 19, 2009

IVF #2

I haven't posted in a while i've been in a haze. I feel like a robot. My last appointment with my RE confirmed that we have one last chance with ivf. We are going to up the gonal f to 450 and try 150 of the menopur. If this doesn't work then the only other option would be donor eggs or adoption. I'm trying to come to terms with everything now. I don't want to get to hopeful and have a big disappointment. But its been really hard. I cry everynight and lay away for hours just thinking of what my life has come too. Never did I think that I would be where I am now when I started this process. I have been taking Coenzyme Q10 pills apparently they are suppose to help the eggs. IVF #2 is scheduled for the end of January probably beginning of February. The clinic is closed for the holidays and you have to be on the Q10 for a few months for them to work. So we'll see what 2010 holds. Will I have a baby or won't I.

Stay tuned!